A free email series to support loss parents through the first month of grief

Welcome to The First 30 Days

You don’t have to grieve alone

The First 30 Days is a free month-long email series for parents who have recently experienced pregnancy or baby loss.

Each day for one month (hence the name), subscribers receive an email from a therapy who specializes in perinatal loss with:

  • A daily intention

  • A self-care idea

  • Morning and evening journal prompts to help process your loss

  • A recommended resource for pregnancy loss (a podcast, book, article, etc.)

Filled with compassionate and supportive messages, the daily emails will help you feel less alone in your loss, more equipped with tools and resources to manage your grief, and better prepared for the road ahead as a loss parent.

But wait, who are these emails coming from?

Hi there, my name is Lauren. I’m a licensed clinical social worker and I specialize in perinatal loss and trauma.

As a therapist who works primarily with loss parents, I hear all the time how incredibly difficult the first month after loss is. I decided to put all the tips I offer my very own clients into a daily email series to hopefully help loss parents around the world as they begin their grief journey.

Notes from Past Subscribers

  • These emails really helped me get through the first few weeks after my baby died. The journal prompts were especially helpful.

    Jenny A

  • I have looked forward to your daily message and found it so incredibly validating and helpful. Although my daughter is in therapy and can’t really look at emails yet, you have helped me so much in setting a goal for the day, in knowing the words to use, and it standing by her during this time of agony and in sharing your wisdom with the rest of our family.

    A grieving grandmother

  • When I was in the tsunami of grief those first few weeks, Lauren's emails really helped me get through each day. I'm grateful for this resource.

    Kara K

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You don't have to go through your pregnancy or baby loss alone.

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